Lego - Sustainable Company of the Week

For generations, Lego has enraptured hearts, empowering children and adults to conjure fantastical realms and materialize their most audacious aspirations. But did you know that Lego transcends mere merriment, serving as an eco-crusader? Indeed, Lego strives for sustainability, a pursuit we find exhilarating.

lego statue

Lego House Masterpiece Gallery - LEGO/Press

So, what catalyzes Lego's quest for eco-consciousness? Begin with the realization that Lego bricks comprise plastic, an infamously environmentally unfriendly substance. Decomposition takes centuries, and plastic often contaminates marine ecosystems. Consequently, Lego targets 2030 for complete reliance on sustainable materials in products and packaging. But how will they accomplish this feat? Let us delve deeper.

Initially, Lego investigated alternative materials, seeking to supplant conventional ABS plastic. Bio-based and recycled plastics emerge as potential candidates, enabling the reuse of existing materials while minimizing environmental impact.

Yet Lego's ambitions extend further. By 2022, they aim for 100% renewable energy to fuel factories, offices, and stores. Investments in wind and solar technologies pave the way for production devoid of fossil fuel reliance.

Moreover, Lego embraces the circular economy paradigm, repurposing and recycling products upon their life cycle's culmination. The "LEGO Replay" initiative exemplifies this approach: customers donate preloved bricks for refurbishment, redistribution, and donation to children's organizations. This strategy curtails waste and provides underprivileged youth access to these cherished toys.

Lego’s Introduction video of “Lego Replay”

Packaging, too, undergoes a transformation. Lego strives to minimize packaging waste and adopt sustainable alternatives, such as paper-based solutions. Box size reductions mark a tangible first step towards waste reduction and a thriving planet.

Thus, Lego's commitment to sustainability emerges from a genuine concern for our shared world, ensuring future generations can revel in Lego playtime. Undoubtedly, Lego offers endless entertainment, but knowing its eco-friendly undertakings elevates the experience to awe-inspiring heights.

Next time you assemble a Lego masterpiece, pause to acknowledge Lego's sustainable strides. Perhaps even envision a creation symbolizing a sustainable future—your ingenuity may spark Lego to shape an even greener tomorrow.

lego city

Lego House Green Zone World Explorer - LEGO/Press

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